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Prevailing wage determination processing time 2025 Form: What You Should Know

Nov 19, 2025 — The average PERM time frame is 120 days. The prevailing wage processing timeframe starts at 120 days and the application cannot be approved prior to that time  Permit Processing Update — U.S. Department of Labor On May 18, 2018, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued the following letter to employers: DOL Permit Processing Update Notice If the DOL determines that a work period is to be exempt from mandatory wage and hour laws, or that work not falling within a bona fide occupational qualification must be performed by non-U.S. nationals, the Department encourages you to notify the DOL that such a work period will be excluded from your compliance obligations. The Department has published the Permit Processing Overview on the Foreign Labor Certification Program webpage. Permit Processing Overview This document provides the public with an overview, overview, and brief description of the Foreign Labor Certification Program and the application processes. Oct 25, 2025 — The Department of Labor (DOL) issued the following letter to employers: Permit Processing Letter In November 2025 and July 2012, the DOL issued Permit Processing Letters, which inform H-2B employers, and other affected parties, what the DOL will do to resolve specified issues concerning the Permit Processing program. Permit Processing FAQ These permits issue for H-2B work periods will be processed in accordance with the prevailing wage provisions.  Permits issued from February 2025 to the present are exempt from compliance with the nonminimum wage requirements, according to the DOL. If a work period is to be exempt from minimum wage law, such as for a noncom's seasonal work period, any employer of less than two (2) employees, or more than five (5) employees, may apply for and may be issued an exemption from nonminimum wage requirements. However, for the two (2) and more employer exemption, it requires a filing with DOL before any work can be performed within the exemption. This is done by submitting the same form and documentation (i.e. a copy of the Employment Verification Form [ESC] or a Form I-9)  and the employer is considered as a petitioning employer for an exemption. The employer will receive notification from DOL indicating the exemption is being granted or denied in a timely manner.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Prevailing wage determination processing time 2025

Instructions and Help about Prevailing wage determination processing time 2025

In this video, I'll cover the requirements for paying prevailing wages on public works projects. You'll hear me refer to Oregon's prevailing wage rate laws as the PWR laws. The PWR laws apply to certain public works projects, which I'll refer to as PWR projects. All contractors and subcontractors on PWR projects are required to pay prevailing wages to employees. The prevailing wage is the minimum wage that must be paid on PWR projects. It is always okay to pay more than the prevailing wage rate, but not less than the prevailing wage rate. The prevailing wage rate is made up of two parts: an hourly base rate and an hourly fringe rate. Both parts must be paid to the worker on PWR projects. Employers can meet the requirement to pay the prevailing wage rate by paying the full hourly base rate plus the full hourly fringe rate to the workers as wages. Alternatively, they may pay a portion to the worker as wages and a portion in the form of qualified fringe benefits, as long as the total paid in wages and benefits meets or exceeds the required prevailing wage rate. When employers contribute to qualified benefit plans, they can convert the contribution amount to an hourly rate and count that as part of the prevailing wage rate paid. This is referred to as taking a fringe credit against the hourly fringe rate owed. Appendix A of the PWR laws handbook on Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries' website provides information on the requirements a benefit plan must meet to be qualified, as well as instructions on how to calculate the hourly fringe credit. The prevailing wage rates are fully updated four times each year. Rate books are published on January 1st and July 1st, and amendments to these rates are...